From what I gather (as I said in the video, I am NOT a social scientist) it’s based upon victims surveys; not racist cops inflating the stats, but victims reporting who committed the crime.
And given that the majority of crim is intrAracial, this is pretty definitive.
FringeElements breaks down the data rather well in “make the world flat.” He does make a couple of errors, and I’m sure you could criticize him for hours… or you could check out the FBI survey I mentioned.
From what I gather (as I said in the video, I am NOT a social scientist) it’s based upon victims surveys; not racist cops inflating the stats, but victims reporting who committed the crime.
And given that the majority of crim is intrAracial, this is pretty definitive.
FringeElements breaks down the data rather well in “make the world flat.” He does make a couple of errors, and I’m sure you could criticize him for hours… or you could check out the FBI survey I mentioned.